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Emily Jean: 6 Month Update

Emily turned 6 months old on Sunday the 12th. The past month has flown by. She is learning something new everyday and is one happy & smiley baby!

Sleep: Emily was sleeping 9 -11 hours each night prior to our family vacation to Wisconsin. Since the vacation, it has taken her some time to get back on schedule, but she is back to about 9 - 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. She is still not the best napper. Most 6 month old are taking 3 naps each day - she is taking one {some days} - usually her mid-day nap & it's 2-3 hours long. She is going to bed around 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. and gets up around 5:00 - 5:30 a.m. each day, in her own room! She is also now rolling over in her crib & will scream for you to put her back on her side/back. Since she is rolling over to her tummy, she is sleeping in her zipadee zip, which gives her comfort, but allows for arm movement.

Eat: Emily is still exclusively breastfed. We started the introduction of water in a sippy cup - which she seems to enjoy, but not sure she is actually getting anything out of it. We also started some puree foods this past week. She DOES NOT like apples, but seems to be fine with sweet potatoes, if she feeds herself. We are going to try avocados and bananas this week.

Play: Emily still loves her Skip*Hop jumper. She is starting to bounce around and swivel the seat a bit. She loves to be on the floor on her tummy - if she is on her back she either immediately rolls over or tries to sit straight up. She loves to play {chew} with anything she can get her hands on. She is almost sitting up by herself. She still loves it when books are read to her. Daddy has been doing bath & story time before bed each night & she loves it.


- When Mommy & Daddy read & sing to her - especially "5 Little Ducks"

- Bath Time {she has upgraded to a big girl bath seat}

- Her Puppies

- The Aquarium {we go every week}

- Mimicking noises and sounds

- Putting her hands in her mouth


- Bottles & Pacifiers

AHHH - I had this drafted before the above picture was taken. GUYS.... my no bottle girl doesn't hate it anymore. She is super interested in it and even took a couple sips!! MOM WIN!!

Other updates:

- She went on her second vacation, to Wisconsin

- Is wearing 3-6 month clothes {some 6 month}

- Still has no teeth

- Is getting a cranial helmet today

Until next time, much love,

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