I've spent probably, too much time agonizing over what this first post should contain - but without a doubt this post needs to be about me & my reasons to blog. It needs to be about my reasons to reach out to other moms; my reasons to be blunt, open, and transparent. All of this, in hopes to support at least ONE mom in her journey through greatness. Am I an expert? Absolutely not. I've been a mom for a hot 9, almost 10 weeks. The one thing I have learned - we need each other. We need each other when the doctors think we are crazy first time moms - but we know our kid and know something is wrong. We need each other for a laugh, when our babes have been screaming all day. We need each other when we've eaten the same thing for weeks, because our kid is allergic to who knows what, and we are sick and tired of CHICKEN. We just need each other - and that's okay. Is my story your story? No, probably not. BUT I want to offer up laughs, support, and some realness to this hard, but rewarding thing we call motherhood. We are meant to do this together, without judgement.
So, about me, before the "heavy" stuff! I am a 29, 30 next Wednesday, year old first time mom. I was born in Portland, Oregon, but moved to Arizona when I was 5. I still consider Oregon very much my home! My family and I visit Portland/Bend (where my grandmother lives) several times a year. I attended Arizona State University where I received my undergraduate degree in Psychology (2011) and my Masters in Public Administration (2014). Up until my pregnancy last year, I was working in our charter school system as a Director of a local school. I am so happily married to my husband who I met on a blind date, set-up by my sister. We have been married almost 3 years - together for 6. We have two fun-loving dogs, Bentley & Bailee & just welcomed our daughter Emily on February 12th of this year.

My Reasons to Blog
I consider myself a well-education, strong, go-getter type of a woman, and sometimes that gets me into situations in which my passionate side is very prominent- but I don't mind asking the hard questions, seeking out people who don't want to be sought after, and digging deep for the answers I need. I am passionate about being a mom. I am passionate about this beautiful journey and supporting others along the way.
The Future of this Blog
So for now... here are some goals for this blog moving forward. I do except this to change, grow, and adapt as this community grows.
1. Be a space for moms and moms-to-be
2. Share about my pregnancy & journey to pregnancy
3. Share about labor & all that entails
4. Share/Recommend baby/momma product advice
5. Talk about the hard stuff - Mommin' Ain't Easy
6. Share about my passions related to Mommin'
I am excited & nervous, but most of all, hopeful for what this community will accomplish!
Until next time, much love,
